دکتر حمید کمرزرین

صفحه اصلی

سلام. من حمید کمرزرین هستم. تحصیلات دکترای روانشناسی از دانشگاه Aligarh - هند. زمینه کاری من روانشناسی بالینی و موضوعات مرتبط است. حدود 27 سال سابقه تدریس، تحقیق، نویسندگی و شرکت در سمینارها را دارم.

موضوعات جدید من درمان لکنت و بیماری‌های روان تنی و تغییر سبک زندگی است که با دانش آموزان خود انجام می دهیم.

در بحران‌های کنونی جهانی معتقدم با کمک مطالعات روانشناسی کاربردی می توانیم در سطح افراد، خانواده‌ها و سیاست گذاران کشورها موثرتر باشیم. یعنی جوامع روانشناسی باروری نقش عمده ای در جامعه، سیاست و آموزش دارند.

اکنون به نظر می رسد که سیاست، اقتصاد و قدرت فضای کاری بیشتری دارند و نقش روانشناسی در جهان منفعل به نظر می رسد. سلامت روان نیاز به بازنگری در سیاست‌های کشورها به ویژه رویدادهای کشورهای خاورمیانه و همچنین رسانه‌ها دارد.

حمید، کمرزرین (دکترا).روانشناس بالینی.

درباره من

زندگی نامه

18 بهمن 1350 در دزفول در استان خوزستان به دنیا آمدم. ازدواج کرده و دارای 2 فرزند در حال حاضر ساکن تهران هستم. من در دانشگاه پیام نور روانشناسی تدریس می کنم. علاوه بر تحقیقات او در یک دفتر خصوصی کار می کنم. من به نوآوری در درمان علاقه دارم و به درمان با توجه به شرایط فرهنگی و اجتماعی اعتقاد دارم.

استاد راهنما: پنج مورد Ph.D، بیست مورد MA، حدود پانصد مورد BA. نمایشگاه محصولات علمی:

2 بین المللی و 2 ملی.

چند کار اضافی:

1-اختراع- مشخصات ایران، در روزنامه آپا. زمستان 2002، روزنامه وابسته بین المللی APA.

2-تاسیس مقیاس ICF (طبقه بندی بین المللی بر اساس عملکرد).

عضوی از 21 عضو گروه W-H-O، سوئیس-زوریخ 2009

اطلاعات شخصی
  • دکتر حمید کمرزرین
  • استادیار روانشناسی بالینی، گروه روانشناسی، دانشگاه پیام نور، کرج
  • نوبت گیری: ارسال عدد 1 به واتس اپ
    09163709540 یا 09120167263
  • تلفن گویا: 02128425819
  • موبایل دکتر(فقط پیامک): 09045842008
  • ایمیل: hkamarzarin2002 (at) yahoo.com
  • موسسه شبیه سازی بیگدلی: Www.mindsimcenter.ir


مهارت‌های زبانی

دانشگاه پیام نور ایران - تهران عضو هیئت علمی از سال از 1385

عضو سازمان روانشناسی ایران از 1376 شماره: 1783

عضو انجمن روانشناسی آمریکا (APA) از 1377 شماره: 86244915


“Stress management“ Certificate (2004)


“Stress management “ Certificate on the year 2004 Dubai-MENA regional conference on psychology 13-18 Dec 2003.

Neurofeedback Treatment (2011)

Firoozgar Hospital

Neurofeedback treatment, Firoozgar hospital, Tehran –Iran. 2011.

Achieved Researcher (2014 - 2015)

Karaj Iran

Achieved Researcher 2014 - 2015, Karaj Iran

Achieved Researcher (2016)

Alborz Province Iran

Achieved Researcher 2016, Alborz Province

Achieved Researcher (2003 - 2005)

Marquise who's who, USA

Named as an achieved researcher by Marquise who's who, USA, 2003-2005


Kamarzarin,Maktabi (1990)

Study of "Aysneck personality Test on gifted and normal students"

Ministry of education .Iran-Dezfoul . 1990

Kamarzarin (2002)

Iran profile

APA international news paper .winter 2002

Syrvastava ,S.K (2005)

Applied and community psychology

2005-(co operation-chapter 112-pages795-805,Non verbal behavior) SAROUP&SONS Pub.

Taghizade, Kamarzarin(2008)

Adolescents’ psychology for families

Jangal publication.Tehran-Iran. (2008)


Panic disorders treatments for Iranian students

Lambert publication Germany (2011), RESEARCH PUBLISHED


Psychology texts on English languages (for MA Students reference)

PNU Publication (Iran Distance University pub). Iran-Tehran.(2013)


Development Psychology (adolescent’s to last ages)

PNU for BA Students reference publication (Iran Distance University pub). Iran-Tehran.(2013)

Kamarzarin, Babaee , Aliakbari , Oraki (2015)

Child Pcychopathology

PNU publication.Tehran-Iran 2015 . BA Students reference

Aghajanbeglo, Kamarzarin (2016)

Child adjustment with School

Varjavand Pub .Tehran-Iran 2016-refrence for MA student on clinical psychology

Kamarzarin (2014)

Guideline Pcychopathology

Kheradmandan Pub. Tehran-Iran (2014). -editor

Kamarzarin (2014)

Guideline Specialized ” psychology Text “

Kheradmandan Pub. Tehran-Iran (2014). -editor

Kamarzarin (2010)

Specialized psychology Texts for bachelor students

Vol.1-2 PNU publication.Tehran-Iran –editor 2010

Kamarzarin (2010)

Specialized Text for bachelor students Vol.2

PNU publication.Tehran-Iran 2010- editor-

Kamarzarin (as editor) (2014)

Prevention and treatment on drug dependencies

PNU publication.Tehran-Iran

Kamarzarin, Golestani, Kord Mirza (2019)

Applied Psychology Dictionary

2019 Avae noor Pub –Tehran-Iran

Kamarzarin, Hosaini(2019)

Child and adolescent’s clinical Psychology

2019 Avae noor pub (refrence for MA students of psy ON PN university Tehran-Iran

Kamarzarin, Hosaini(2019)

Positive psychology

2019 Avae noor pub –.Tehran-Iran refrence for MA students of psy ON PN university

Kamarzarin, Golestani, Kord Mirza (2021)

Applied psychology Dictionary

2021 Avae noor pub –Tehran-Iran (second edition 2021)

فوتبال و روانشناسی

Kamarzarin & Bigdeli (2020)

Increasing capability and skills in Soccer

Increasing capability and skills at Kicks in one session using Mind Simulation Knowledge

Raising football stars by simulating the mind of a smart football project

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

Video 7


Mazidi, M Ph.D. Kamarzarin (1993)

Public and private school self-esteem comparative study

The national convention of education, Tehran -Iran, July 1993

Fazilat M . Kamarzarin. H (1994)

Self-esteem and leisure activities among students

national convention of education 1994, Tehran- Iran

Kamarzarin (1996)

mental health on aged persons on End-stage

first convention of old ages mental health Iran -Sary medicine faculty -summer 1996

Kamarzarin and others (1996)

A Study of depression among Iranian children and adolescents (transverse study)

the first convention of child development IAU university Iran 1996

Kamarzarin and Movahhedi (1999)

study of crimes and few of psycho-social factors from 1993- to 1998 among groups of prisoner's

National convention of education Tonkabon university -Iran, July 1999

Kamarzarin (1998)

Study of depression between ill healthy adolescents

106th annual convention of American Psychological Association 1998 USA August 14-18 San Francisco

Kamarzarin, Fazilat M (1999)

Biofeedback Training effect and job stress between Iranian jobs

17th international symposium on neurobehavioral method and effect in occupational and environmental health 20-23 June Stockholm Sweden 1999

Kamarzarin and etal (2000)

Depression on IAU students

IAU University on 2000. Iran-Dezfoul

Kamarzarin et al (2000)

preschool behavior disorders

107th convention of APA USA

Kamarzarin and Fazilat, MA (2001)

study of behavioral problems on preschool students

Fazilat, MA. Kamarzarin (2001)

Leisure Activities and academic performance of Iranian students

San Francisco 24-28 August 2001. 109th Annual convention of APA. USA

Kamarzarin and et al (2002)

Test anxiety and academic performance at the university

Iran Dezfoul 2002. IAU University, 2002, Azad Univ. of Iran-Dezfoul

Hokamzadeh T.Kamarzarin, H (2003)

depression on Iranian student's

mental health seminar, 23 Feb /2003 Melbourne, Australia.

Kamarzarin, et al (2003)

111th Annual convention of APA

American Psychological Association_ Toronto Ontario, 6 -10 August / 2003. Aggression words in Child's book, contend analysis study

Kamarzarin, et al (2003)

Aggressive words on student's book

1st seminar of aggressive on schools. Quebec, Canada, May 2003.

Kamarzarin (2003)

Panic attacks on Iranian students

4-8 Sept 2003, the first seminar of panic attacks. Westminster University, London 2003.

Kamarzarin ,etal (2003)

Content analysis of aggressive words on children's book stories

MENARCP1 Seminar, Peace psychology seminar14-16 December /2003. Dubai

Kamarzarin (2004)

1-Iranian psychotherapy a part of history 2- SDS behavior therapy model on enuresis children treatment

2nd international conference of ASIAN psychotherapy.Sept 2004. Iran -Tehran welfare university

Kamarzarin, H. Maktabi, H. Rajoul Dezfoul, R(2005)

Nonverbal behaviors on Iranian elementary students

1th Applied psych Seminar. India –HARIDWAR -Feb /2005

Kamarzarin, H and Professor Ahmad H (2006)

A comparative study of panic symptoms treatments on Iranian students

by psychotherapy, medical and compact models treatments.11th international conference psychology & communication, friendship & unity. 2-5 may 2006 Athens- Greece

Kamarzarin, Hamid (2009)

ICF consensus conference on the ICF core sets for hand conditions

7th-9th may 2009 ,Nottwil , Switzerland

Ghassem Farajollahi. Hamid Kamarzarin (2009)

A Comparative Study of the Educational Quality between the Distant Learning and the Traditional University Students

23 rd AAOU Annual Conference.3-5 Nov 2009.Tehran-Iran

Kamarzarin, Nahreni(2009)

a study on Iran tradition medicine on children anxiety control and treatment

First national seminar on child anxiety.Iran-Tehran

Hamid Kamarzarin & Ghassem Farajollahi (2009)

Content Evaluation of PNU Books by PNU Students and Academic Members

23 rd AAOU Annual Conference.3-5 Nov 2009.Tehran-Iran

Hamid, Kamarzarin, PhD. Ghassem, farajolahi, PhD (2009)

A study on job stress and job satisfaction on Tehran payame-e-Noor university employees

23 rd AAOU Annual Conference 3-5 Nov 2009.Tehran-Iran

Hamid Kamarzarin,PhD. Nezam,Nahreni MD(2010)

The role of Iranian Traditional medicine on anxiety disorders treatment

First Natinal conference on anxiety.payame noor univerity, Iran- karaj Feb 2010


The 5th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

The Effectiveness of Educational Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Visual and Autistic Attention in Children with Learning Disabilities. Tehran-Iran

Kamarzarin, Hamid. Fallahi, Zahra. Bigdeli, Mojtaba (2021)

Mind simulation virtual treatment for patients stuttering and psychological problem

APA2021, poster session Div46

دانلود رزومه

آیا مایلید، در مورد مهارت‌ها و تجربیات حرفه‌ای من بیشتر بدانید؟ آیا کار و مهارت من را میپسندید؟ دریغ نکنید با من تماس بگیرید!

هم اکنون دانلود کنید

Psychological Treatment - Private Clinic

Zehn va Ravan (mind and psych)
N:86, Motahari St., Sohrevardi, Tehran-Iran


Asian Council of Science Editors

Editoiral Board

Research Journal, Achievement of Clinical Psychology
Publisher Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz Website: http://jacp.scu.ac.ir/

Responsible for consulting center

Payame Noor University, Alborz Province-Iran
Payam Noor Univerity http://pnu.ac.ir
Till Present

Editorial Board

European Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies
Publication of European Academy http://www.ejpes.org/editorialboard.asp

Scientific committee Head

23th AAOU annual International Conferences, Tehran - Iran

International relationship Office

PNU University of Iran-Tehran

General Secretary of Head of University

PNU university of Iran-Tehran

Manager and Editor

PNU Psychology E-News Paper
Till Present

Academic Member

PNU University of Iran-Tehran

Welfare Ministry

Iran Dezfoul
Duties: Group therapy, Clinical interview with Drug dependency patients.

Dean of Faculty of Education

IAU Univerity Dezfoul - Iran

Isfahan University, Iran

BA on Clinical Psychology
Title of Thesis: Comparative Study of Depression Development on Ill -Cancer, Chronic Disease and Healthy Adolescence

Shiraz University Iran

M.A on Educational Psychology
Title of Theses: The Comparison Study on the Public and Private Schools Students’ Achievement and Self-Esteem in Iran

AMU university, Aligarh UNI- INDIA

PhD on Psychology
Title of dissertation: "A comparative study of psychological and medical and compact models of treatments for Iranian students with panic symptoms"

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